Temple College: We're here for a reason . . . IT'S YOU! Temple College: We're here for a reason . . . IT'S YOU! Temple College: We're here for a reason . . . IT'S YOU!

Lecture 8: Quizzes

The quizzes in this course are mostly over grammar, punctuation, and academic prose, so I will identify for you the most important course materials to engage.

  • The "Quizzes" section of the course syllabus.
  • The Real Essays book, particularly chapters 23, 24, 25, and 37.
  • Lecture 5: About Grammar,
  • for links to critically important grammar handouts.
  • The "Assignments Calendar" section of the course syllabus for dates of quizzes, and the materials over which you will be quizzed.
  • Section 2 of Lecture 2, which is the requirements for Academic Prose.