Argumentative Essay
(Total Value 15%)
Due Date: 11/30/07
1. Page count: 4 full pages minimum to 5 full
pages maximum, plus an additional page, which is the works cited page. If your
paper falls short of the minimum required page count the grade will certainly
2. Make certain that the essay has a
3. Use the formatting guidelines
established during class lectures.
4. Use MLA Style Guidelines.
5. Remember to title your essay in the
form of a two part title. The two parts should be separated by a colon, and
neither part should read “argumentative essay.”
the OSU Library system to find the article “RFID Tags: Commercial Applications
v. Privacy Rights,” by Eileen P. Kelly and G. Scott Erickson, published in Industrial Management + Data Systems,
volume105, issues 5 and 6, 2005.
a copy of this article to class on 11/9/07 for class discussion.
the fact that we have led up to this essay by reading the Kelly and Erickson
article, your Argumentative Essay is not about the Kelly and Erickson
article, but rather the larger issues associated with RFID tags and how they
may affect privacy in the future. The Kelly and Erikson article is meant only
to introduce you to the topic and some of the possible issues/problems/benefits
involved therein.
your own thesis and argument.
must use a minimum of three outside sources, and you should consider using scholarly/academic
How to turn in this essay: a paper copy is due during class on
the due date. Additionally, an electronic copy is due, prior to the beginning of class, on the due date, and it must be
turned in to as a MS Word doc file. Use the “file
upload” method on the submit screen. You will be instructed during class about
how to create a account, and how to turn in your work. Your essays
will be considered late until both the paper copy and the electronic copies are
turned in. All other rules for late work, as delineated in section six of the
course syllabus, also apply. Moreover, your electronic
turn-in must be an exact duplicate of the paper copy. In other words, no
further corrections or revisions will be accepted. Also, if the electronic and
paper copies do not match up it will have a negative impact on the assignment’s
Date: 11/30/07