Resources for Students and Open Source Materials for Teachers
Resources for Students and Open Source Materials for Teachers
English 1301: Composition I Course Content Page
30 Aug. 2010 :
Welcome to Class. I strongly suggest that you validate your Temple College login credentials immediately.
This page is meant only as a resource for the first day or two of class; login to your TC Webmail account and check it daily, for it is the only e-mail address I will use to communicate with students.
Moreover, the platform for this course is the TC Desire2Learn system (D2L), and you must login immediately, and access all course materials from that site.
Beyond the first 48 hours of the semester, I make no guarantees that English Discourse will be updated, and it is solely the responsibility of students to abandon the materials on this website, and use the TC D2L site instead.
Welcome to Class. I strongly suggest that you validate your Temple College login credentials immediately.
This page is meant only as a resource for the first day or two of class; login to your TC Webmail account and check it daily, for it is the only e-mail address I will use to communicate with students.
Moreover, the platform for this course is the TC Desire2Learn system (D2L), and you must login immediately, and access all course materials from that site.
Beyond the first 48 hours of the semester, I make no guarantees that English Discourse will be updated, and it is solely the responsibility of students to abandon the materials on this website, and use the TC D2L site instead.
All the links below are set to open in a new window. Review all the materials carefully, and always feel free to contact me and ask questions.
Course Syllabi
Monday/Wednesday 8 Week Class: Course Syllabus (Includes animations; loads quickly with a high-speed Internet connection)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Class: 6 Week Course Syllabus (Includes animations; loads quickly with a high-speed Internet connection)

Even if you are an experienced D2L user, it is wise to take the D2L tour to learn a few things that may impact grades, so take the eLearning Tour now.
How to Set Up a Free Smarthinking Account:
Instructions for Setting Up a Free Smarthinking Account
Lecture 1: Opening Remarks
Lecture 2: Formatting and Academic Prose: Read This Before Turning in Any Work
Lecture 3: How to Fix the Extra Spacing Between Paragraphs in MS Word 2007
Lecture 4: TurnItIn.com Plagiarism Detection Software
Lecture 5: About Grammar
Lecture 6: How to Create an MLA Document Header
Lecture 7: MLA, Research, Documentation and Attributions to Sources
Lecture 8: Quizzes
The Major Projects:
Essay 1: Comparison-Contrast Essay
Essay 2: Cause-Effect Essay
Essay 3: Argumentative Essay
Course Documents:
The 5 Paragraph Essay Format
Example of Page One of an Assignment
Pre-Test and Post-Test:
Instructions for Taking the Pre-Test and Post-Test
Open Source Materials:
Open Office Word-Processing Software Program (REQUIRED SOFTWARE Unless You Have MS Word)
PowerPoint Presentations:
PP 1: Your Future is Limitless
PP 2: Setting the Defaults in Open Office
Text-Only Version of PP 2: Setting the Defaults in Open Office
The Final Examination:
Strategies for Taking the Final Examination