Contact Page: Resources for Students and Open Source Materials for Instructors
Contact Page: Resources for Students and Open Source Materials for Instructors
English Discourse
Contact Information
Contact Information
My office hours change from semester to semester, so please consult the appropriate course syllabus for my current office hours.

Remember that I am available to assist you via email, by phone and in-person during office hours.
Get a quick start, for the consistent culprit behind students performing poorly in courses is their failure to negotiate their time wisely, and particularly if the course takes place over less than sixteen weeks.
I deliberately do not provide my e-mail address on the English Discourse site because it would inevitably lead to massive amounts of spam, but my students have my e-mail address, and I can be contacted by phone through the information provided here. Even so, I would like my students to know that I do my best to answer e-mails in 48 hours or less. Basically, I normally respond to e-mails from Monday morning through Friday at noon, after which, I do not check for student e-mails again until the following Monday morning.
John Stevens
Temple College
English Faculty
207-B Berry Hall
2600 South First Street
Temple, Texas 76504-7435
Office Phone: 254.298.8399
Liberal Arts Division Office: 254.298.8596
Fax: 254.298.8614
Curriculum Vitae