The purpose of this e-journal is to help undergraduates to think of their writings as more than just a paper they will turn in to teachers for a grade. At this writing, English Discourse receives about 10,000 visitors per month, and each month is busier than the last. Your students' essays will be read by people from around the world. Knowing this, your students may take greater care in preparing the essays for your course.
And the American Red Cross will benefit by the placement of a donations paybox on each published essay. There may also be other ads like the ones throughout this website, which help defer my operational costs.
In effect, your students (like my own students) can publish their essays, earn extra credit in your course, and help the American Red Cross all at the same time.
Of course, you design and control the extra credit awarded for your course. Each of your students who participates in the publishing opportunity will use the link below to submit his/her essay. Each student must submit his/her essay individually, or as their teacher you may do so on their behalf.
Everything is explained on the submissions page, but I will give a synopsis here:I need the student's full name (to name him/her as author) The name of their school (to name their academic affiliation) A working email address for you, the teacher (to let you know which essays will be published). Please instruct your students to use your email address, so that you are the contact with English Discourse. This makes the administrative process much easier on this end. Minimally, the essays should demonstrate the successful negotiation of first year college level skills.
That's it. If you have any questions at all please email "submissions" at and I will be happy to communicate with you.
For your convenience, here is the web address of the submissions page:
Best regards,
John Richard Stevens
English Discourse--the e-journal